Majors Love You?!

Majors Love You?! is currently a demo game done by a team of five people.

As the game progresses, you will meet a variety of characters. In this case, you meet the first character at your first day of college, Hue.

An example of the options you get to choose at the end of the demo.

Majors Love You?! is currently a demo game done by a team of five people.
Characters in-game are drawn by Abigail Sholly, backgrounds shown here by Esther Lee and Keith Tran, game menu by Keith Tran
Visual novel/dating sim game
Have you experienced indecision during your freshman year of college? This interactive dating game lets you visit back to those times, but the majors have been personified as cute men and women! Build relationships with them and decide who you want to be with!
Served as director, concept artist, and background artist assistant
Conceptualized and finalized eight characters for the demo.
Menu Scenes
Drew the opening and ending screens
Assisted in outlining and coloring backgrounds for the demo.